Reading Wrap-up: November, 2019

This month I read 12 books, which isn't horrible, but I also was still finishing a lot of books for October I got for Halloween and didn't have time to finish. So this month felt like I read a mix of Halloween and Christmas-themed books, with some YA fantasy and non-fiction thrown into there. Very … Continue reading Reading Wrap-up: November, 2019

Winter Themed Book Tag

I haven't done a book tag in so long (as it turns out, since the beginning of December), so I thought I'd do a fun Winter-themed book tag, since currently (as I write this) it is -10ºF (-23.33℃). So, yes, it's a bit cold. Anyway, I came across this tag on a blog called Marissa … Continue reading Winter Themed Book Tag

Book Review: Winterfrost by Michelle Houts

This will be the first of many Christmas/winter themes books I will be reading, both this month and probably for the rest of winter. I don't what it is about winter that makes me want to read books set in cold places. Anyway, I was drawn to this book both because of its cover and … Continue reading Book Review: Winterfrost by Michelle Houts

Reading Wrap-Up: November, 2018

This month went...tolerably well. I'm still super behind with my 5 Week, 5 Tomes challenge, but I did read technically 8 books this months. I use the word 'technically' because three of them were crocheting books, which take only a fraction of the time to read. But they are still books, so I'm counting them. … Continue reading Reading Wrap-Up: November, 2018