A Thanksgiving Poem…

This week is pretty busy for me, as I prepare for finals while celebrating Thanksgiving. So I didn't really have time to write a full blog post. Instead of leaving you with nothing, I thought I'd share one of my favorite thanksgiving poems. A Thanksgiving Poem by Paul Laurence Dunbar (1872-1906) The sun hath shed … Continue reading A Thanksgiving Poem…

I’m taking a break from Photo Friday

So, for the last few months I've been struggling to take pictures for my photography Fridays. Since it's so cold outside and there are only so many times I can take pictures of frozen lakes and snowy landscapes, I've decided to take a short break from my photography posts. Not forever, mind you, just until … Continue reading I’m taking a break from Photo Friday

Merry Christmas!

Things are hectic at my house, with the holidays and selling my house, so I didn't have a post planned for today. But, since it's Christmas Eve, I thought I'd share my favorite Christmas poem with you. If you aren't Christian, you probably won't care for it, but it's my personal favorite! For reference, Longfellow … Continue reading Merry Christmas!